Preferred School Care After School Program will follow these BFTS and APS policies and guidelines to ensure a safe after school classroom environment.
Students will be collected from their classroom at dismissal. Prior to students checking in to the after school program, students will have their temperature checked. If the student has a fever of 100.4 or higher they will not be permitted to attend and will report to the school nurse which is the school’s main COVID-19 point of contact.
Students and staff will wear a mask while inside the school. If a student or staff does not have a mask, one will be provided for them.
Students will be grouped by grades and will remain in their group throughout ASP.
Groups will be assigned to one classroom space or area. This is the designated area where all indoor activities will take place. The only exception is schedule use of the gym space. Transition times and movement around the building will be lessened. To the extent possible, social distancing will be practiced but cannot be guaranteed
We will have frequent hand washing breaks. Additional hand sanitizers have been purchased and are placed around the building.
Snacks will be eaten during the scheduled snack time in a designated area. Water fountains have been turned off. Students/staff are encouraged to bring water from home.
Students may have their own devices for work during the day as well as for homework. The After School program is not responsible for keeping up with the devices. All devices and charging cords need to be labeled. Sharing of supplies will be limited and each child will need to have personal items. We will limit the sharing of supplies and devices
School Administration will be in direct communication with Program Directors regarding relevant cases to after school.
Program Directors will structure the program to limit movement throughout the day and configure learning spaces and schedules to maximize distancing. However, social distancing is not always possible/feasible in a school setting.
Should a student become sick at school and the nurse has left the school, the child will be isolated in an area away from other students, parents will be called for immediate pick up.
School custodians will regularly clean and disinfect all facilities. Evening cleaning crews will continue to clean once the after school program closes. Please note, not all touched surfaces can be disinfected after each touch. In addition, each staff member will have some cleaning responsibilities to ensure the space, materials, and supplies that have been used will be cleaned.
PSC Afterschool Program
Student & Staff Daily Procedures
PSC COVID-19 procedures include measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. You are kindly asked to follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe workplace in this unique environment. It is important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions.
Our daily procedures apply to all our employees who work in our program.
General hygiene reminders:
as of July 2022